Secure your digital future

Anticipate technological challenges with our advanced IT audit and proactive support.

With the increasing complexity of IT environments and ever-changing technological challenges, it’s essential to navigate with confidence to thrive in this competitive landscape. We work closely with you to develop a tailor-made strategy that meets your specific needs, whether it’s to strengthen your data security, optimize your processes, or ensure smooth scalability. Our IT audit services are designed to reassure you and provide the necessary tools to continue growing your business.

Feel free to contact us here to discuss your challenges.

Facing IT difficulties in your business?

We are here to help! Our team will respond to you promptly to discuss your needs and guide you toward the ideal solution for your business.

An example of audit and strategic plan proposal

This support for a rapidly growing 70-employee company in the Geneva region aimed to identify the current issues and challenges of the business and provide a 3-year strategy to anticipate the evolution in terms of IT organization, tools, supplier choices, and projects to be implemented to support the company’s growth. Once the strategic plan was validated by the management, it was presented to all employees to give them an insight into the challenges to be met by the company.

How our audits unfold

Our audits, while tailored to your specific challenges, are based on a consistent methodology.

We jointly identify the project stakeholders (management, employees, suppliers, customers, etc.) that need to be involved in the audit. Together, we establish the team that will form the steering committee, tasked with monitoring project progress and making decisions as necessary. We conclude with the preparation of the kickoff meeting, explaining to all actors the stakes of the audit. At the end of this session, all participants will understand the objectives, their roles, and the timeline of the different phases of the project.

We meet with all the stakeholders during one or more interviews to fully understand the issues specific to each of the concerned parties. A report is provided at the end of the meeting to confirm that all elements have been taken into account and that the summary aligns with their perception.

A preliminary assessment is then presented to the steering committee to share initial findings and validate the main focus areas before starting to work on recommendations. This summary will form the first deliverable of the audit.

This stage involves identifying all the recommendations to be implemented. Depending on the size of the audit, interim presentations are made to periodically ensure that they align with your expectations before delivering the final report.

The final step involves presenting all the recommendations in order of priority so that you can determine the actions to be implemented to address your issue. This presentation, along with the action list, will be provided as the project deliverable.

Your contacts

With 20 years of experience in the IT field, including a decade in Information Systems Management roles, you gain a 360-degree perspective that addresses all your IT-related challenges. Lunova also has numerous partners for specific technological themes (Cybersecurity, Networks, Databases, ERP, Business Intelligence, etc.), ensuring the most relevant expertise for your business.

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